Thanks for visiting Mess for Less. The following are disclaimers related to our recipes, crafts, activities, and tips.
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I am not a professional chef. I only share recipes that I have made in my own kitchen and have tested. Your results may vary for a variety of reasons: freshness and quality of ingredients, differences in equipment used, oven temperatures, humidity, altitude, your culinary expertise etc...
Mess for Less accepts no responsibility for the outcome of any recipe discovered on our website or linked to from another source.
Timing Disclaimers
When I share prep and cook time for recipes, I am sharing how long it took me to prepare. You might take more or less time. Bake time may vary depending on your particular oven and altitude.
Nutritional Information Disclaimer
I provide nutritional information in each post as guidance only. It is done using an online calculator that I have nothing to do with. Calories and nutritional information vary based on ingredients and brands used and a variety of other factors.
Food Safety Disclaimer
When making a recipe from Mess for Less, you accept full responsibility for cooking with raw ingredients. We are not responsible for any injuries you sustain while making a recipe or any illness that occurs. Please use care and caution around hot surfaces and sharp objects.
It is your responsibility to review each recipe carefully and double-check the ingredients to make yourself aware of any ingredients that may cause an allergic or adverse food reaction for yourself or anyone you will be serving.
Cooking with Kids Disclaimer
Please supervise and assist kids at all times when they are helping in the kitchen. We are not responsible for any injuries that occur when making a recipe.
As a parent or guardian, you should assess the child's ability and understanding and allow them to help accordingly.
Young children should not handle electrical equipment and sharp things like knives. Take extra precautions when children are around hot surfaces or equipment.
Crafts and Activities Disclaimer
All crafts and activities should be supervised by an adult at all times. Mess for Less is not responsible for any damages that occur as a result of any craft or activity shared on this site. Likewise, we are not responsible for a craft or activity not turning out exactly as one that we shared.
Be sure to take safety precautions when doing a craft or activity. Follow the directions on any supplies used. Make sure to keep small children from objects and supplies that are a choking hazard. Adults should handle sharp scissors, hot glue, and chemicals.
Parenting Tips Disclaimer
The parenting information on Mess for Less is what I have used with my own children. Every parent, child, and family is different. Therefore, what has worked for me and my children may not work for you. I am not a doctor or therapist. Mess for Less is not responsible for any outcomes that result from following the tips and advice given on this site.