My kids have been having lots of fun with baking soda and vinegar. They have observed simple chemical reactions for preschoolers and even made exploding milk. That inspired me to set up some individual experiments with baking soda for them. I have never heard them say "wow!" more during an activity. If you are looking for a fun way to explore science with preschool and kindergarten kids, not to mention get in some fine motor skills practice, try these fun science experiments.

- Baking soda
- Small cup filled with vinegar
- Eye dropper or pipette
- Muffin tin
- Food coloring

Fill up each muffin cup ¼ of the way with baking soda.

Provide your child with some food coloring and have them squeeze a few drops into each baking soda filled muffin cup.

We squeezed a different color into each cup.

Fill a small cup up with vinegar and provide your child with an eye dropper. Then let them experiment with dropping different amounts of vinegar into each cup. They will discover through these baking soda experiments that a few drops produces a small amount of bubbles while more vinegar results in a big eruption.

Even after the baking soda had been covered with vinegar, each new addition of vinegar brought fresh bubbles. It also made a fizzy sound, like a bottle of soda being opened.

This activity held my kids' attention for over an hour. That is a long time for them to be doing anything!
Every time vinegar was added to the cup, it would cause the food coloring to disperse and color the baking soda and foam.

I had to refill their cups of vinegar a few times because they were going through it so fast. I would say the baking soda activities were a huge success!

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