I am a big believer in the family mealtime. As much as we are able, we all try and have dinner together each night. One of our family traditions is Pizza Friday. Each Friday we make a pizza use these 31 Dinner Conversation Starters. Enjoy our free printables and worksheets.
Before we eat, we need to cook. My daughter loves to help out making the pizza.
Family dinner is a time with no distractions. Phones are ignored, and conversations are had. With six-year-old twins and a five-year-old, sometimes dinner conversation can be a bit tricky. The kids are still working on being good listeners and not interrupting each other.
The easiest way we have found to do this is by having dinner conversation starters at the ready. Conversation starters help to draw out kids who often respond "nothing" when asked what they did that day. Plus, they are just fun.
You learn things about each other you may not have known before, and they are a great way to deepen connections. I have included some free printable Dinner Conversation Starter cards that you can use with your family. There are enough to last you an entire month!
You'll also love this Story Box with Free Printables.
Cut them out and use one each night at dinner or use as many as you'd like.
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