I have a confession to make. I am a reality TV fan. More specifically, I enjoy any show where people are forced to live together and get voted out. Every summer my husband and I love to watch Big Brother. Each week the contestants engage in a series of fun games and challenges designed to help them gain power in the game. Those contests are what inspired me to create this Fun Kids Game for my kids. This Cup and Water Race is a fun for all ages and best of all, no one will get voted out at the end. For more fun water activities, check out Duck Tape Boat Races.
. For more fun games to get kids moving try Sticky Math.

You will need:
- Large bowl
- Clear plastic drinking cups
- Plastic wrap
- Ping pong balls or hollow golf balls
- Small cups (we used medicine cups that come with kid's medicines)

You will need one plastic drinking cup, one small medicine cup and one ball for each player in the game. Cut off a length of plastic wrap and place it over ⅔ of the plastic drinking cup opening. You will want to leave an open space so that water can be poured into the cup.

Place a ping pong ball into the plastic cup through the opening. Find an outdoor area to set up the plastic cups and medicine cups for the game. Fill up a large bowl with water and set up in an area a few feet away from the plastic cups.

The object of the game is to be the first one to get your ball to touch the plastic wrap on your cup. To do this, you must run back and forth between the bowl of water and your cup with the ball in it while carrying water only in your medicine cup,

This took coordination and the right amount of speed and balance. My kids quickly learned that if they ran too fast all the water would spill from their small cup.

This game also requires a steady hand while pouring. Sometimes the kids were is such a rush to pour, they didn't get much into the opening of the cup.

The kids played this cup and water race game over and over. Well okay, not my youngest. She played it once, lost to her older sister, cried and ran inside. Yeah, she's a little competitive. We wore swimsuits for this fun game, but only because we were going swimming afterward. The kids hardly got wet doing this, believe it or not.
What a blast! I think I will set it up on the grass so the water at least goes back into the ground.
A great place to give a little lesson in water reuse and conservation.They could even water the shrubs with the remaining water in the bowl when they are all finished with the game.
Thanks for the fun idea!